Hey guys!

My friend Gt is owner of this awesome server called PengCP! Come and try it out!


Atlantic Penguin

Check out Atlantic Penguins! They have taken their website to a whole new level! It looks familiar doesn't it?


Hype CP Secret Commands

!MP _xscale -100 Walk Backwards

!GF SHELL.sendBuyInventory 14 Get Gray!
!SS 999 999 Change Size

List Of CPPS

Hey guys! I found out that some of CPPSs revived! Here is a list of CPPSs!

Ghetto Penguins
Minerva’s Lair
Penguin Flame
Penguin Air
Club Waddle
Penguin Sentex
Penguin Lite
Elite CP
Club Fail


Atlantic Penguin
Penguin Portal (hamachi)
Penguin Breeze
Penguin Medieval
Penguin World
Penguin Elite???? (might come back)
Penguin Safari( - Down
CP Pro
Club Penguinv

And more to come!

Have fun!

Custom Items/Rooms

On Penguin World, they've managed to create custom items and rooms! They've created the Grey Fuzzy Experiment (ID = 4132) and two new rooms (Logan's House = ID 420 & Nick's House = ID 421).

Have fun there!


Fake C&D

Hey guys!

If you've been on , you would've noticed a post about fake C&Ds from "Disney". Lots of Club Penguin Private Servers were told that they were to shut down due to C&D, but they were actually being "Scammed" by this group named Crocodiles. So basically, most private servers might revive.

This is good new to all those CPPS lovers!


New Private Server

Guys! Right now, the BEST private server to use is Penguin World. They've even got custom items! Go check it out at:

Cya there!


EDIT: xCPPS is another good one!

Shut Down

Sad news. All CPPS are shut down. I'll let you know if there's a new working CPPS.

Until then,

~Wing Pang~

New Private Server

It's not been long but I've found a new CPPS its called......


It's web client so no downloads. Go check it out at


~Wing Pang~

Shutting Down

Its sad to know but sadly, PCP has shut down. I don't know the reason why but I'll still keep this website up and use it as my Club Penguin Cheats website. I'll also let u know about new private servers.

~Wing Pang~

Recruiting Authors

Hey Guys!

I am currently recruiting authors and we want people who are always online and write things that are important. You might think "Who are you?" I am Wing on another email account. Lol. So right now we are recruiting and we will need 3-4 more authors.

~Wing Pang~

Fixed Pages

Hey guys!

I finally fixed the pages and the website looks better than ever! Be sure to follow us (even though I am the only staff on this website)!

~Wing Pang~

New Domain

Hey guys!

From now on, please visit this blog using

We need to get at least 25 hits per 90 days in order to keep the domain alive. Thank you for your kind co-operations.

~Wing Pang~

PCP Finally Fixed

Hey guys!

Its been alot of waiting and PCP is now fixed and better than ever! There's no need to re-register and they've now got a web-client. Have fun!

~Wing Pang~

Error with website

Somehow, there's an error with the PCP website. A huge one too. I hope they fix it soon!

~Wing Pang~

Hey Guys!

Hey Guys!

This is my new blog about Private Club Penguin.

Private Club Penguin (PCP) is a Club Penguin Private Server owned by Jack, Randy and a "Mysterious Owner".

On the outside, PCP is exactly the same as the real Club Penguin (made by Disney), but on the inside, it allows you to:

Become a mascot! (Rockhopper, Cadence, Sensei etc.)
Generate Money!
Free Clothes!
Go to ANY room!
And many more to come.....

Go Download/Register at:

Meanwhile at my website, check out the IRC page and the Commands page!

~Wing Pang~